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I had got an email from Bobby Rio last week, you know, the guy who runs TSB Magazine. I have reviewed two of his other products before.

He was telling me that his friend, Rob Judge had launched a new product that would end dating as we know it and I watched the video he was linking to in the email and let me inform you:

The video contained some shocking news!

I was aware of the fact that the way singles are dating nowadays has changed, at least compared to the way singles used to a couple of years ago.

But after watching it, I realized that I haven’t really understood exactly how things have changed. It’s like everything I thought I knew became obsolete!

First, I was awestruck, then I became upset, and finally, I started a journey of discovery that led me to one of the biggest breakthroughs in my entire life, which I am about to share with you.

Get the updated rules now.

One of the facts that you must realize is that the “dating game” has changed.

With the emerge of dating apps, the whole dynamics of dating are completely turned upside-down from the way the game used to be played.

If you stick with the old rules of dating, you will fail.

Dating apps have made singles pickier, and girls are no exception.

What once was a three-part process has now become a two-part process, and you need to put a lot of effort into your image and your bio.

You also have to deal with the fact that girls have a way to sniff out older, inexperienced guys and if you are one of them, no girl will ever want you or even go out on a date with you.

This changes everything!

But the good news is that you don’t need to be experienced to get the girl you are attracted to.

However, if you don’t know the new rules, she will disappear from your life.

There is especially one certain rule you need to discover if you want to get the girl you are already attracted to.

Discover the 1 rule you need to know to get girls now.

I did tell you about the most important rule you need to know recently, and now I will reveal the most important dating advice for men that I recently discovered myself.

You see, it doesn’t matter if you are experienced or not.

The only thing that matters is that you need to act like you’re more experienced because then she would go out on a date with you.

To be frank: Girls want to date guys who know how to handle a woman.

My most important dating advice and the one I discovered myself recently is that the modern version of the “dating game” is played out in the plain text, online or on the phone.

I remembered back when I was texting a girl I liked 10 years ago and didn’t know what I was doing.

I unconsciously told her that I was inexperienced.

Without giving you every detail, I can tell you that we never got out on a date because we never really “clicked” when we were texting.

Our interactions were great, and I was attracted to her.

I don’t know this, but I do think that the feeling was mutual, but this might have been my own imagination playing tricks on me.

Back then, I didn’t have access to the rule of attraction, but if I had, I am certain that things would have played out differently and who knows, I might even have married her eventually.

I could only have hoped for such a great thing as the one I am discussing in this article because texting nowadays, is not based on real-life interactions.

Discover the #1 rule of attraction in the mobile age of dating.

If you buy through this link, I will give you a bonus which will allow you to discover my unique view on dating.

Two More Dating Tips for Men

To be successful in the modern world of dating, it’s not about whether you meet her in real life or not.

Surely, you can get her number, but all of the “dating” will actually occur on other platforms, and these platforms are primarily text-based, i.e. Tinder, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram.

Discover how to attract a girl using nothing but text.

Some of these platforms use photos too, and that is what is the second dating tips I will share with you now.

Especially on dating apps like Tinder, your photo is essential since this is the first thing she will see.

Your bio may be perfectly crafted, but the truth is that if she isn’t attracted to your photo, she won’t look at your bio, she will swipe left, and that will be the last time she’s ever viewing your profile, I can guarantee that.

This video reveals one strange trick that will make her chase you!

You see, girls place guys in the friend zone when they aren’t sure that the guy is worthy of dating them.

If you’re using the right photo, she will never do that to you.

There are a lot of old rules in the dating world that is spread on dating forums and blogs just like this one.

But if you want to be successful in the modern world of dating, you need to use the updated rules of dating or maybe I should call it the “app-dated” rules of dating instead.

Update your dating game now and don’t be placed in the friend zone ever again.

There are, in fact, completely new rules to dating and attraction nowadays.

They don’t only apply to things like your photo or bio, but also to your entire approach and tone in the texts you will send her.

Because when you know what you’re doing, she will unconsciously:

Think you’re worthy of her timeThink you’re more experienced than you probably areThink that you know how to deal with a girl

Get your dating game updated and start attracting hot girls tonight.

There are many unspoken rules of dating, and I have been explaining some of them to you throughout this article.

Rules that 95% of guys don’t know.

Because most guys think that it’s all about “chemistry” and “connection” for a girl when it’s in fact, all about your behaviour!

You should feel lucky because you already know more than the other 95%of the male population of the world doesn’t know and never will know either. After all, they think about the old rules.

My final advice to you would be that you shouldn’t just aim to date her but comment and interact with her daily.

The truth is that I have done this myself without realizing it.

I can tell you: This works for every kind of girl, and it’s a real girl magnet since you are interacting with her on her social media.

Always comment and like her photos and everything she shares on social media.

By doing this, you will unconsciously light the digital gaslight that Rob Judge mentions in the video that I am linking to throughout this article.

Discover the digital gaslighting technique now.

DISCLAIMER: All mentions of dating services in this article is only for information purposes and are neither endorsed nor affiliated with either brand. Each trademark belongs to its respective owner.

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 19th of May 2018.

It will discuss what to do to be attractive to a woman.

Have an awesome week,


This article appeared first on Dating Advice For Men – Chi Rho Dating

Von Rickard