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In this review of Female Mind Control by Dean Cortez, I will share my honest opinion, as well as, a review of his latest product.

Would you like to have the power over a woman that you could control her innermost desires? 

Would you like to have complete control of her sexual desires?

Would you like to have female mind control?

If you’ve answered yes to at least one of the questions above, this review is written for you.

Are you in a hurry and want to watch the video now?* click the link to the left.

This is a review and contains affiliate links. Please read about the use of affiliate links and how I use it on this blog. All affiliate links are marked with an asterisk (*).

If you have been following my blog in the past, you do know that I am a bit shy, like most guys.

If someone had told me back then about this product, I would have jumped at the opportunity and would have done almost anything to get my hands on it, to get a girl.

I remember one time, especially…

I was about 20 years old, and a friend of mine and I were at a train station.

There was a girl who had been flirting with me for a while that approached me.

I had a hard time hiding the fact that I was interested in her and she had already revealed that she was into me by trying to use a “trick” that she picked up from a viral film back then.

Unfortunately, I was inexperienced at that time.

I didn’t know what to say to her and just stood there with a stupid smile on my face and tried to make a conversation.

Have you ever experienced this yourself?

You’re stunned by a woman’s natural beauty and can’t get any meaningful words out to make a conversation so you actually can ask her out on a date?

Now, in hindsight, looking back, I know I was making a fool out of myself.

I was standing there with a stupid smile on my face.

She clearly waited for me to make a move and ask her out on a date. It seemed like it was an eternity between me approaching her and the train arriving at the station so we both could go onboard.

The train came, and we all continued to flirt until the end station, and then I lost the look on her never to see her or meet her ever again.

Do you think I regret it? You bet I do!

Back then, I wished, I knew how to approach a beautiful woman and make natural conversation to her and getting her out on a date effortlessly.


I didn’t know how to do it, and I regret it every single day.

This video explains exactly what I should have done instead.*

If I only could have got some help from someone more experienced than me.

Someone like Dean Cortez, the author of “Female Mind Control” which I am about to review today!

Let’s dive right into it by explaining what’s inside first, then I will discuss the author, and finally, I will share my thoughts with you on whether this product might help you to get a girl or not.

It is an online course laid out in 6 easy-to-follow steps that give men an insight into the mystery of the female mind.

Female Mind Control will provide you with audio, video, and ebooks.

So there’s certainly a lot of value that you’ll get for the $49 that it will cost you to buy this online course.

The main course consists of these 6 modules:

How to Control the Anxiety of Approaching that Woman

Will help you raise awareness of the causes of fear and anxiety when you are in front of stunning women and how to overcome them.

The Ice Breakers and Methods of Approach

Provides you with a plan before you approach a beautiful woman and everything you need to keep in mind.

Make Her Feel Comfortable

If you don’t make her feel comfortable, you won’t have a chance to get her out on a date.

For this reason, this is something you always should keep in mind.

Otherwise, you have already lost her, and she might make up excuses like faking a phone call or pretending to text her “boyfriend”.

Make her Bond with You

It is quite simply the technique and tips you need to use to get her turned on in the right way.

The Affinity Strategy

This is simple to build that all-important “connection” that women always are focusing on and how to become her biggest supporter.

Finalizing the Deal

How to wrap everything up and get her out on a date.

There are also some bonuses included in the program that will help you escape the friend zone forever and being in charge of the conversation and being able to control it, to mention a few.

Watch the video and discover how you can control the female mind.*

Dean Cortez is the author of this online course.

He has authored more than 15 programs in the past, and many of them have been great successes such as:

Facebook Seduction SystemM.A.C.K TacticsThe Bad Boy BlueprintSecrets of Dating Younger WomenSecrets of Dating Asian Women

He is a professional author turned dating coach and has lived in Asian countries as well as in his native country, the USA where he currently resides.

Source: Dating Skill Reviews.

I can tell you that besides being genuine, the stuff he creates works in real life and aren’t some theory made up by some ghostwriter hiding in an office somewhere in an anonymous building.

Listen to the 1 step you need to do to take control of her mind tonight.*

What I Like About Female Mind Control

I like the fact that he uses his real name and that he has experience in the field.

He doesn’t just come up with a great deal of make-believe stuff that other marketers sometimes tend to do.

Based on my own experience, I can tell you that this course will work.

I really wished I could have got my hands on this when I stood there, in front of the hot woman on the train station and couldn’t find something intelligent to say to her or asking her out on a date.

This is what you always should do instead…*

Another thing that I do like is that it builds a kind of fidelity and intimacy between you and the woman you want.

What I Don’t Like About Female Mind Control

I’m not too fond of the fact that he calls it a seduction system since I will always object to this terminology.

I think this sound to sneaky, to be honest.

Because what it actually is, is a 6-step process that, if executed properly, will help you to get any girl you want out on a date.

Although I haven’t tried the Female Mind Control in reality, I will tell you that based on my own experience and since I’ve tried all of the parts separately myself in real life, I do know that it works.

It’s basically like having a remote control to the female (sexual) mind that you can turn on or off whenever you feel for it.

Anyway, the moment of truth has been reached…

Would I Recommend the Female Mind Control?

Yes, I would! No doubt about it.

If you’re a man and have ever experienced the fear of approaching a hot girl, which innately is the fear of rejection or if you’ve approached her and couldn’t talk to her to ask her out on a date, this product is for you.

Watch the video yourself and make up your own mind.*

All links marked with an asterisk (*) in this review are affiliate links. You can read about my use of this type of links in my full affiliate disclosure.

If you like this review, please share it with your friends.

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 3rd of September 2018.

It will discuss how to get inside her head without her realizing it.

I wish you a great weekend,


This article appeared first on Dating Advice For Men – Chi Rho Dating

Von Rickard