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Today, I will discuss one of the most common beliefs in the dating niche: Getting a girlfriend or getting the girl. As you might have heard, if you’re in a forum or have been watching many Youtube videos, you need to make a girl feel special.

Is this the whole truth, or are there some hidden obstacles you may also encounter?

Find the honest answer to this and many other questions below!

Want to get a girl to kiss you like this? Read how you can be just as lucky as this guy below.

First and foremost, do you think you need to be a good smooch?

It will help you if you are good at kissing, but smooth-talking is more valuable if you want to get a girlfriend.

The most important thing is how and what you say to a girl.

It’s not necessarily when you say it, but it’s essential that you also take action and talk to the girl instead of thinking about it.

The procrastinator will fail while the action taker will gain.

I like to refer to this as the golden rule of dating.

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Think about this scenario:

You see a beautiful woman sitting alone in a restaurant or a bar, and you move towards her, ready to talk to her.

You do this, and then –


You stand there staring at her and trying to come up with something clever to say.

Now ask yourself this: What would I think if I were her?

You already know what you would think, I guess, by now.


Sometimes, putting yourself in her shoes is good because she isn’t that different from you.

It is a healthy mind game you should try from time to time.

Do you think a pickup line would work?

No, because she has already heard them from guys like you!

The only pickup line would be one that will make her smile, and as you know by now, if you have read my blog for a while, this is what you want her to do.

Will the attraction formula work?

Yes, the HIT or attraction formula will start to work its magic immediately when you use it on her.

Besides this, what would you say to her?

Instead of overthinking every step, which separates the procrastinator from the action taken, ask her about herself and why she’s at the same place as you are right now.

Keep it casual for now!

If she’s a member of an organization, talk about something positive you have heard about that particular organization because you will make her proud and start building a connection between you.

As I have told you on this blog, compliment her on creating a connection between you.

When you meet a girl, talk casually and avoid more serious topics like religion, politics, global warming, and all the other things that might piss her off (pardon my French).

You don’t want her to look at you like this, do you?

Be a perfect gentleman and treat her respectfully and as another human being. It will develop a connection and start building trust for you in her.

It’s that simple!

Now is not the time for emotions. Now it’s time to get the lady’s number or add her on a social media platform of yours.


So you can continue the conversation, build rapport with her, and eventually ask her out on a date.

Remember that getting her out on a date is not the final goal.

It’s just a step on the way to your end goal.

You could describe it as running a marathon.

The key is to take things slowly in the beginning and build up trust and mutual respect, and you will reach your end goal eventually. Whether it is a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship or a marriage doesn’t matter.

If you go too fast, you will not last the entire way and reach the finish line.

I hope you don’t get me wrong here because I hope, and I’m cheering on you.

To get there, you need to know when to show her appreciation.

That is what I’m about to discuss next.

If you want to be successful with ladies, you must show her some appreciation now and then.

10 Unique Ways to Show Appreciation

What can you do to show her appreciation and tell her that you like her company in a subtle yet noticeable way?

The truth is that every human being is unique.

No matter who you are or who you have fallen in love with, this person is a unique individual, and how they respond to words, humor, behavior, and acts of love are different compared to how another human being would react to the same things.

I know that I am discussing this at a high level.

However, there is a reason why I do this.

What I’m trying to tell you here is:

I can’t write you a guide to how you should show her appreciation that is specifically for your dream girl.

That is something you need to figure out yourself.

What I can do, however, is to share some insights on things that would work for most women, and that is what I will do in my little list below:

Send her small tokens of appreciation. It is quite often the little things that matter the most to people. Buy her some of her favorite flowers and deliver them yourself or her favorite kind of chocolate.Take her out to a restaurant on a weeknight. If you usually take your girlfriend or wife out on a weekend dinner date, surprise her by doing it on a weeknight instead. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive.Cook dinner for her. If she usually cooks for you, return the favor now and then.Buy her some custom-made jewelry. As I wrote in the beginning, it’s the little thing that matters most. Buy her a gift with a message that tells her how much you appreciate her and is unique.Your wife or girlfriend might be more intelligent than you. Share some insight and listen to her. Please take a moment to listen and then implement her advice.Write a personal thank you note and do it in your handwriting. It will become more private if you take the time to do it.Write her some “coupons” that she needs to redeem during the week. The deal is that she will decide what you will do, notes like “doing the dishes,” “washing clothes,” “carpooling,” and so on.Tell her up front how much she matters to you. Giving another human being some positive feedback is always great, especially if she has a rough day. This little token of appreciation would light up her day.Do something together. If you know that your crush loves scuba diving and climbing or has eagerly anticipated the premiere of a new film at the local cinema, get the tickets and do that with the woman you like.Please give her a free massage to show your appreciation. Surprise her and give her a nice massage yourself. If you don’t know where to begin, I reviewed a great product that will teach you how to become her very own personal massager.

There you have my ten best ways to show appreciation. I hope you enjoyed them.

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Man and woman chatting over a cup of coffee inside a cafe or restaurant

Do You Want More Tips to Show Her Your Appreciation?

You might also enjoy reading my article 65 compliments to tell a woman right now.

Remember that no matter if you decide to do just one or all ten ways to show her appreciation that I have shared with you above, she will most certainly like it.

Every human is unique, and you know her better than I do, so you know what will work best for her, right?

One way to decide what action you need to take is to ask yourself what you think she will appreciate or what you would understand.

It is good advice for all singles, wouldn’t you agree?

If you don’t keep postponing it but take action and do something that you know she will appreciate, that’s the only thing that matters.

If you want more great dating tips, sign up for my newsletter.

If you like what you have read above or have any suggestions on what kind of information you want to read on this blog, leave me a comment below.

Next Article

My next article will discuss the best ways to impress a girl.

Have a successful day,


This article appeared first on Dating Advice For Men – Chi Rho Dating

Von Rickard