So you think you’re a catch, but how can you know for sure?

Your friends aren’t the most reliable source to ask, because they’re biased. And you can’t just go ask your exes, because, you know, they’re your exes.

Here’s what I can offer you.

Read through the following 100 questions. For every time you answer yes, mark down one point on a sheet of paper. Keep track of your points, and I’ll tell you what it all means at the end.

Then, by the end of this article, one of two things will have happened.

You’ll either discover that you’re far more of a catch than you let yourself realize. Or you’ll find out that you have a somewhat inflated sense of your marketplace value, and then you’ll know the exact areas of your personal development that you can focus on to realize the greatest amount of potential lying dormant inside of you.

You’ll need to be completely honest for this. If you’re unsure whether or not you’re a yes to something, it’s better to leave it out and mark it down as a no.

Are you up for the task? Alright! Let’s dig in.

How To Know If You’re A Catch: 100 Questions To Ask Yourself

Your character

– Do you believe that you default to being a kind person?

– Is honesty something that you value?

– Are you proud of how you show up as a person?

– If I asked your closest friend, would they say that, overall, you are a good person?

– Have you done something that you were afraid (hesitant, cautious, uncertain about) to do in the last three months?

– When you grocery shop, do you return your shopping cart to an appropriate place?

– Are you present, engaging, and kind when you speak with customer service staff (restaurant servers, the person bagging your groceries, etc.)?

– When you tell someone that you’re going to do something, do you generally do it (by the time you said you’d do it)?

Your lifestyle

– Are you eating a diet that contributes to your health?

– Do you actively take care of your health?

– Have you woken up with no hangover, every day, for the last year?

– Have you refrained from smoking cigarettes for the last year?

– Are you happy with your body?

– Have you had a day within the last week where you drank 2+ litres/a half-gallon of water?

Your social life

– Do you have a close friend who you have a high degree of trust with?

– Are you a good friend?

– Do you go out of your way to be thoughtful, helpful, and kind to your friends?

– Have you left your house to socialize with someone (who you don’t live with) within the last month?

– Have you given a gift to a friend within the last year?

– Do you feel seen, cared for, and supported by a friend in your life?

– Are you willing to share challenging things with a friend that you’re currently navigating?

Your habits

– Do you have healthy habits that you engage with on a daily basis?

– Do you have healthy habits that you engage with on a weekly basis?

– If you wake up in a bad mood, do you have the tools to get yourself out of that place?

– Have you ever set a New Years resolution, and then achieved it within that same calendar year?

– Do you feel, overall, that you live a life that is aligned with who and what you want to be in the world?

Your communication

– Has anyone ever told you that you’re a great listener?

– When someone speaks to you, do you make sure that person feels heard and understood?

– When arguing with someone, do you try to understand where they’re coming from?

– Have you given someone a compliment (or praise or verbal recognition) within the last week?

– Have you ever been told that you are funny and/or have a great sense of humour?

– Can you easily say ‘No’ to situations, people, or events that you don’t want to engage with?

– When communicating with someone you haven’t met before, do you ever find yourself matching their pace, tone of voice, or way of speaking?

– When in a romantic relationship, do you feel comfortable explicitly naming or asking for your needs to be met?

Your looks

– Has anyone complimented you on your looks in the past month?

– Do you like the way you look?

– Has anyone ever seemed shy, nervous, of self-conscious around you, and you thought it was because they found you attractive?

– Do you have a favourite part of how you look?

– Have you seen yourself in a mirror in the last 30 days and had a positive thought about what you saw?

– Do you seem to get a lot of attention from the gender of your affection?

Your dating history

– Have you been in a romantic relationship before (of any length)?

– Whether you’re currently single, dating, or married, has it been more than six months since you started a new relationship?

– Do you have an ex who you know thinks well of you and genuinely wishes you well?

– When it comes to your intimate relationships that you have ended, are you proud of how you ended most of them?

– Would you say that most of your exes are fundamentally good people?

– Has anyone ever explicitly told you that you’re a catch?

Your sexuality

– Do you like sex?

– Would you consider yourself a sexual person?

– Do you feel comfortable verbally expressing your sexual needs to a partner?

– Do you feel comfortable giving your partner in-the-moment direction as to how you would like them to bring you the most pleasure?

– Are you generally a fairly open minded person, sexually?

– If a long-term partner (2+ years) brought you a new sexual fantasy they had that you were physically and emotionally able to fulfill, do you think you would likely be open to trying it out with them?

– Do you like investing in your sex life, either through ongoing commitment, experimentation, and effort, or ongoing education and skill-development?

Your reliability

– Do you value your word?

– If you say you’re going to do something, can people count on you to do it?

– In the past, when a partner has brought you a challenging or difficult thing they wanted to talk about, have you been able to talk about and resolve it to a point of satisfaction for them?

– Do you consider yourself an honest person?

– Do you make it a point to be on time for 98+% of the things you commit to?

– If you think you’re going to be running late to something where someone is expecting you at a certain time, do you always do your best to communicate to them ahead of time that you may be late?

Your relationship to your emotions

– Have you teared up and/or cried about anything within the last 30 days?

– Do you see your emotions as valuable and necessary?

– Have you teared up and/or cried within the last three months because of something that happened to/for someone else (whether you knew that person directly or not)?

– Do you view your emotions as wise and informative?

– When you feel anger (frustration, resentment, impatience, boredom, etc.) do you feel a sense of permission to express it?

– Have you had a healthy, well-formed poop within the last three days?

Your finances

– Can you afford to pay for your current lifestyle?

– Do you have savings of more than $50,000?

– Do you have six months or more of cash-on-hand in an easily accessed bank account?

– Are you debt-free (aside from mortgages and/or car payments)?

– Do you have any money in a retirement account?

– Do you have any money in an investment account?

– When it comes to paying for the necessities of life, do you feel free and easy to invest as you wish?

– Do you allow yourself to enjoy your money?

– Has anyone ever commented that you were a generous person, when it comes to money?

– Have you tipped someone well within the last month?

– Do you feel quite safe, abundant, trusting, and well-resourced when it comes to your financial life?

Your emotional availability

– When you see a happy couple in public, do you feel good things for them (joy, warmth, gratitude, inspiration, etc.)?

– Do you feel completely open and available for an amazing relationship?

– Have you refrained from sabotaging any promising potential connections within the last year?

– Does the idea of being in a healthy relationship excite you?

– Do you have generally positive feelings about men and women?

– Do you think that the world is primarily filled with good, well-meaning people?

Your sense of self

– Do you like yourself as a person?

– Are you in touch with your core values (the things you care most about in your life)?

– Do you feel clear about what it is you want from your life?

– Are you proud of how you show up in your life most days?

– Do you know things you definitely want and other things you definitely don’t want in a romantic relationship?

– Do you feel like you have learned and grown as a result of difficult experiences you have gone through in your life?

Your hobbies

– Do you have any hobbies?

– Have you had any fun in the last week?

– Have you played within the last week?

– Do you have a hobby that you can engage in by yourself?

– Do you have a hobby that you engage in that includes other people?

– Are there any hobbies (or related versions of hobbies) that you did when you were young that you still engage with today?

Your clarity on your life vision

– Do you know what you want out of life?

– Do you have any goals?

– When you wake up in the morning, do you generally feel excited for the day ahead?

– Are there things that you consistently do that predictably put you in a good mood?

– Are you willing to walk away from a relationship that is too at-odds with the kind of life you’re building?

– Do you currently feel a sense of positive momentum in your life?

So, Are You A Catch?: What Your Score Means

Alright, so you’ve gone through all 100 questions… you’ve tallied your points. Now what? Read the legend below and see how much of a catch you are. If you fell short of what you hoped, there’s always room for improvement in our search to be as much of a catch as possible.

0-40 points: Sounds like you have some work to do. Luckily, you can notice the sections of the quiz that you had the least points in, and begin by prioritizing those areas of your life to see the greatest developments.

40-60 points: Alright, not too shabby! You might not be the catch of all catches, but you’re certainly in a solid spot. We all have room for improvement!

60-80 points: On the catch-scale, you’re pulling in a grade of a solid B+. You really have a lot going for you, and anyone would be happy to be partnered up with you.

80-90 points: You’re a certified catch. No doubt about it. Your heart is good, your life is going well, and you have a lot of love to give. Hooray for you!

90-100 points: You’re a unicorn of a catch. I didn’t even know that they made people like you anymore, but here you are… in all of your glory. Congratulations on being a phenomenal person. You are a gift to the world, and we all appreciate your service (yes, even the haters, who are secretly inspired by you).

There’s Always Room For Growth

Listen, nobody’s perfect. We all have room for growth.

If there were any sections of this quiz that you got zero (or near-zero) points on, then that just means that you have some areas of integration to work on (like we all do!).

I hope that this quiz was illuminating for you, and that you feel excited about your empowered next steps.

Dedicated to your success,


Ps. If you enjoyed reading this article about being a catch, you’ll also love checking out the following resources:

Apply For 1-on-1 Coaching with Jordan

‘Why Am I Still Single?’ 5 Reasons + What To Do About It

How To Meet Your Husband In 30 Days

8 Reasons You Won’t Attract A Conscious Man (As You Currently Are)

How To Optimize Your Dating Profile If You’re A Catch

This article appeared first on Attraction Archives – Jordan Gray Consulting