Having endearing pet names for each other is part of being in a relationship! Here are some cute nicknames for your boyfriend – you can choose the perfect one.

Choosing cute nicknames for your boyfriend is a vital part of any relationship, whether you just recently started dating or not. It helps you to create a stronger bond, as you call them by a name that no other person calls them. It’s a special and adorable thing most couples do to emphasize how special they are.

Plus, if you get sick of calling your boyfriend by the same name all the time, you can just pick another name instead!

This is why it’s essential to read some of the cute nicknames for your boyfriend on this list. By the end of this feature, hopefully, you’ll come up with a nickname both of you will fall in love with. [Read: What men would love to hear more often]

Why is it important to choose a nickname?

When you start dating someone, a nickname also acts as a way of showing affection. Instead of just calling them by their name *which isn’t a problem if that’s your preference,* calling them nicknames like “baby” or “love” will seem sweet for both of you. It’s a term of endearment, especially if your chosen nickname is something you both love.

But before you give your boyfriend a cute nickname, remember it shouldn’t be the same as your ex’s. Not only will this be awkward, but you want to choose something different for your current boyfriend, not something you’ve already used in the past.

If you’ve avoided coming up with cute nicknames for your boyfriend because of the fear of being seen as too cheesy or even cringe, don’t worry, there are plenty on this list we’ve yet to provide you with! [Read: Cute pet names: How to pick the right kind of personal pet name]

How to select the right kind of cute nicknames for your boyfriend

You may have a couple of nicknames that you have chosen in your head, but you can have a couple more up your sleeve, right? As we always say, you can never have too many nicknames for your love.

Man, we sound so cheesy. But whatever, we’re all here reading this article because we’re in love. So, let’s get started and show you some more cute nicknames for your boyfriend. But before that, here’s what you need to remember. [Read: What your pet name says about your relationship]

1. Stay away from negativity

You’re not trying to make your boyfriend feel bad; you’re supposed to make them feel loved by giving them a nickname. So stay away from nicknames that focus on negative traits or things that bother you.

Your nickname for him should represent the affection and love you feel, nothing less. So it shouldn’t consist of any flaws or negativity. [Read: How to show respect in a relationship for a deeper love]

2. Don’t use the same name as your ex

Ah yes. We’ve already mentioned this once, but it’s worth mentioning again. When thinking of cute nicknames for your boyfriend, it should never be the same as your ex’s. Just don’t do it. Seriously.

It’s going to take you back to thinking about your ex, and that just isn’t going to go down well for you or your partner. Now, you don’t want that, do you? [Read: How to be a good girlfriend to your guy] 

3. You can use nicknames in other languages

If either of you speaks another language, you can use nicknames from that language. It can be cute but also very sexy. 

It’s the reason why nicknames like Mi Amor are widely known all over the world. It’s sexy and affectionate and can even be used as a nickname. [Read: 50 super cute nicknames for your boyfriend he’ll love to hear]

4. Make sure he likes the nickname

This one should be pretty obvious by now. If he doesn’t like the nickname, it won’t be fun to call him that. You don’t like being called names that you don’t like, right?

So you should choose a nickname he likes being called, just like he probably chose the one you’re okay with! [Read: How to be more affectionate in a relationship and show them you care]

The cutest nicknames for your boyfriend

Here we’ll list cute nicknames for your boyfriend you can use the next time you text him, call him, or even see him in person. It’s time to show some love.

1. Baby

This is a classic nickname, but we just can’t leave it out. It’s short, it’s sweet, and it’s a mighty cute nickname for your boyfriend. You can never go wrong with this classic nickname, and there’s a reason why many couples go with using it.

2. Daddy

Well, this is definitely a name for a guy that you’re hot and heavy for. It’s a cheeky name and will certainly make your man smirk. You may get a playful smack on the butt when you call him that.

Try using this in the bedroom even, and see where that takes you! [Read: 31 new things to try in bed at least once with your lover]

3. Big Guy

If your man is strong and powerful, then you just have to call your man Big Guy. This name is totally meant for a man who’s like a giant teddy bear.

If his build is strong and manly, this is a great nickname to use for your boyfriend!

4. My Man

Women loved being called “my girl” for a reason, and it’s the same sentiment as calling your boyfriend “my man.” This will undoubtedly give him an ego boost. A man loves when he’s called “my man” by a woman that he loves.

Yeah, he is your man, and you’re proud of it. So why not flaunt it by using this cute nickname for your boyfriend? [Read: 20 funny compliments your man will be dying to hear]

5. Bubba

We don’t really know how to describe this nickname. There’s just something sweet about the word “bubba” when you’re using it as a nickname. This name implies that your boyfriend is extremely close to your heart and is special in your life.

6. Boo

This is what everyone is calling their significant other. Boo is short, it’s cute, and it’s trendy. If you like being the “cool couple,” then call your man “boo” in public.

This is honestly one of the cutest nicknames for your boyfriend. It’s another term of endearment for a significant other, and you’ll see this all across social media. [Read: Social media and relationships – The good, the bad, and the ugly]

7. Love

Sometimes the most classic of nicknames are the best ones to use. Do you love him? Is he your lover? Well, then why not just call him that then?

If you’re looking for a twist, call him love, but in a different language. It can be sexy and still affectionate!

8. Pickle

Pickles may be your favorite snack, and well, you just want to eat him up. You find him so attractive that you just can’t get enough of him.

With this, you can be sure you’re one of the few ones who has chosen pickle as a term of endearment. [Read: Cute things to tell your boyfriend to make him feel appreciated]

9. Hot Stuff

Well, what can you say? You think he’s just the hottest man ever, and he’s one hot piece of meat. “Hot Stuff” is a saucy name that’ll excite your partner in seconds. You hear this all the time in movies but guess what? You can use it in real life too!

10. My King

Of course, this means that you’re his queen, don’t forget that. You need a strong man by your side, and you definitely found one. He’s your rock.

If he always treats you like royalty when you’re together, this is one of the cute nicknames for your boyfriend. [Read: What is masculinity? 19 really manly traits women hope to see in you]

11. Monkey

He’s so goofy, and you can’t stop laughing whenever you’re around him. If he always manages to make you laugh because of his vibrant personality and funny jokes, this is a great one to use!

12. Prince Charming

Maybe you’ve always had a crush on this guy, and now he’s the one that’s in love with you. It’s crazy how things work out in life. When you were younger, he was your Prince Charming, and he still is to this day.

Or maybe he made you believe in love again when you went for so long having forgotten what it feels like. It only fits that you call him “Prince Charming,” then!

13. Handsome

If you really want to give him an ego boost, you should call him handsome. It gives him a sweet reminder that you still think he’s the sexiest man you’ve ever met. [Read: Things men can do to make themselves more attractive]

Also, every time you call him this, you’re simultaneously complimenting him, two-birds-in-one style!

14. Jelly Bean

If he loves candy or if you have a sweet tooth, then you both will love the nickname “Jelly Bean.” It’s a warm and youthful nickname for a guy who’s always looking on the bright side of life.

If he’s an optimistic person, calling him “Jelly Bean” suits him perfectly.

15. Pumpkin

Your man is just the sweetest guy that you’ve ever met. He brings out the best in you, and when you’re with him, you’re gleaming with happiness. He’s your pumpkin. [Read: 16 ways to show your real appreciation for someone you love]

This is one of the cute nicknames for your boyfriend you definitely should consider, especially if you want something different and unique. 

16. Love Bug

You couldn’t imagine a world without him. He’s your biggest love, something so sweet and pure to your heart. He’s your love bug.

Let’s be honest here, what’s more adorable than calling him your love bug? [Read: Are you in love? The clear signs you’re past lust and really in love]

17. Teddy Bear

He’s a big guy, and there’s nothing you love more than to cuddle on the couch and watch Netflix. He’s your teddy bear, and you can’t get enough of him.

He’s the most huggable person on the planet, and there’s nobody else you love wrapping your arms around than him.

18. Chubby Bunny

Okay, if your boyfriend is insecure about his body, then don’t use this name. But if he’s secure with himself, then he’ll love being called “chubby bunny.”

It’s cheeky and sweet. It’s a term of endearment that is sweet and adorable! [Read: 50 more cute things to call your guy that’ll create intimacy]

19. Mr. Big

This doesn’t mean you’re Carrie. But this does mean that your man is someone that you just adore with all of your heart. Someone that’ll have your heart forever. 

If you see your boyfriend resonating with this description, this is one of the cute nicknames for your boyfriend you shouldn’t ignore.

20. Stud Muffin

Well, he’s hot. There’s not much more we can say. Your man is hot as hell, and even you can’t handle it. It’s time to buy a portable fan to cool yourself down. 

You might’ve not heard this often as a nickname, which is all the more reason why you should use it for your man! [Read: 30 alpha male characteristics that make you a real alpha]

21. Hun

This is a more traditional nickname, but it’s great if you’re not someone who’s really into PDA. Hun still shows affection, but not on an extreme level of mush. It’s also not cheesy or cringe, if this is what you’re aiming for.

It’s one of the cute nicknames for your boyfriend that’s subtle but still sweet. [Read: 40 cute texts to make him smile and miss you more]

22. Romeo

You may not remember any of Shakespeare’s poetry, but you remember every line your boyfriend uses on you. You love what he has to say; he’s your Romeo – and you’re his Juliet.

There’s a reason why Romeo and Juliet is the most classic love story of all time, after all. [Read: Why we need nicknames in love and the art of picking a personal one]

23. Hubby

You need to be really serious about him or in a long-term relationship to be using this nickname for him. Hubby, otherwise known as husband, means you see the relationship lasting in the long run. You want to marry him and spend the rest of your life with him.

So if you’re sure, this is one adorable nickname for your boyfriend that signifies your strong commitment to him.

24. Darling

This is quite a classy nickname to use for your boyfriend, especially if you want something that isn’t as cheesy. It works similarly to calling him “Hun.” So if you see him as your “Darling,” why not call him this?

25. LOML

LOML, otherwise known as the love of my life, is such a sweet nickname to call your boyfriend over text! It’s also the most romantic, especially if he really is the love of your life. [Read: “You are the love of my life” – Say it without a freak out]

If you can’t imagine anybody else but him and he makes you happy in ways you’ve never felt, he’s obviously the love of your life!

26. Captain

Just like the captain of the sea, he leads you towards marvelous places in life. Even through uncharted waters, he steers through all the setbacks and challenges you encounter.

Does this sound like your boyfriend? Then this is one of the cute nicknames you should start using! [Read: How to have a difficult conversation without losing your nerve]

27. Light of My Life

If there’s “love of my life,” there’s also “light of my life!” If your boyfriend proves that he’s the light to your darkness and he paves the way when you lose hope and strength, this nickname is perfect for him.

It means he resembles the sun, moon, and even the stars in times when you can’t see the light.

28. PIC

The best relationships are those where they’re also your best friend and partner in crime. PIC, which stands for Partner-In-Crime, is a perfect nickname if you two act like a team.

When you join forces, you are unstoppable. Everything you encounter, you face as partners in crime. [Read: Partner in crime: 31 signs you have this true friend in your life]

29. Bic Mac

Who says your favorite Mcdonald’s menu item can’t be an adorable nickname? Especially if your man has you feeling “I’m lovin’ it,” then there’s no better nickname for your boyfriend than this one.

For sure, you’re one of the few ones who have chosen this nickname for their man, which makes it even more unique and special!

30. Hercules

What’s a better nickname than one inspired by a demigod? Is your boyfriend strong and courageous? Does he have a strength similar to Hercules?

If so, this might just be the perfect nickname for your boyfriend! It’ll also provide a boost of ego whenever he hears this. [Read: 50 super cute things to call your boyfriend he’ll love to hear]

So, what name have you chosen for your boyfriend?

Whatever names you choose to call your boyfriend, it should reflect how you feel for him. Any of the 30 names we’ve mentioned above are great options to call your boyfriend. It’s just a matter of what you *and him* prefer the most!

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What’s a better feeling than finding a perfect nickname that suits your boyfriend perfectly? Hopefully, you found some cute nicknames for your boyfriend on this list.

The post 30 Sweet & Cute Nicknames for Your Boyfriend He’ll Actually Like Hearing is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

This article appeared first on Dating Tips for Women – LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships