Finding your way through the dating world after 50 can be a real struggle, especially when you attract narcissistic men who create additional emotional chaos for you.

One of the reasons you might fall in love with a narcissist is because he has the ability to mirror your interests.

When he does, it ends up creating a superficial bond between the two of you that unfortunately is often driven by manipulation rather than genuine connection.

His talent for masking his true self can make it challenging to spot the warning signs until you’re deeply involved.

That’s why today we are going to uncover 3 Warning Signs that can help you recognize if you’re dating a narcissist.

A big sign you might be dating a narcissist is when he constantly focuses on himself.

The thing about narcissists is they often display an inflated sense of self-importance, and they do this by exaggerating their abilities or accomplishments.

Or he might talk endlessly about his career, his social status, or his personal life while barely acknowledging your stories or interests.

This kind of self-centered behavior makes you feel like you and your experiences aren’t important, and this should raise a red flag for you.

Let me give you an example of this using a favorite phrase Sophia uses in the TV show The Golden Girls.

You’ve had the best day, and you’re excited to share your experience with a man you’ve been dating. You begin to share your story, and he interrupts you steering the conversation back to his own day and his accomplishments.

He barely acknowledges your story, leaving you with a sense of dismissal and insignificance.

Empathy is the glue that holds a healthy relationship together. Sadly, narcissists often lack this trait. They find it challenging to grasp or connect with your feelings, offering you very little emotional support or validation.

If the person you’re dating brushes off your emotions, belittles your worries, or appears unconcerned about your well-being, these behaviors might be signs of his narcissistic tendencies.

Keep a watchful eye on how a man responds to your emotional needs or how he treats others in vulnerable situations.

A continual absence of empathy should set off warning bells in your mind.

You’re at dinner with a man you’ve been dating, and you’re feeling down because you recently lost a pet dog. You share some of your sadness by telling a story about the two of you hoping for some comfort and support.

Instead of offering a hug or a few kind words about your loss, he quickly brushes off your sadness, telling you to “get over it because it’s only a dog.”

Or he totally ignores your feelings and shifts the dialogue to a minor inconvenience he’d had during the day, making your genuine emotional pain seem trivial.

When his lack of empathy leaves you feeling so alone during a difficult time – it’s a BIG RED FLAG.

A narcissist uses manipulation to maintain control so that his needs – not yours – are met. He might use strategies like guilt-tripping, gaslighting, or playing the victim. These tactics can make you start doubting your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Gaslighting, for example, can lead you to question your sanity and beliefs, making it challenging to trust your own judgment.

If you notice that the person you’re dating frequently distorts reality, blames you for things you haven’t done, or twists situations to make you doubt your perceptions, you want to take these signs seriously.

Their manipulative behavior can erode your confidence and make you feel trapped in a future relationship.

Imagine you and the man you’re dating have planned a quiet evening together, but at the last minute, he decides to go out with his friends instead.

When you express disappointment, he turns the situation around, accusing you of being controlling and selfish for not wanting him to have fun.

Over time, these manipulative tactics make you question your own feelings and judgments.

You start doubting whether your needs are reasonable, slowly losing your sense of self-worth and independence.

Recognizing the signs of a narcissistic partner is vital for you avoiding this type of toxic relationship.

Watch for extreme self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and manipulative behavior. Trust your instincts and prioritize your happiness. If you feel undervalued, reassess whether he is relationship worthy.

Healthy relationships thrive on respect, empathy, and equality. Your well-being matters, and you deserve a relationship that nurtures your happiness and peace.

What narcissistic behaviors have you noticed in someone you dated? Did you see those as red signs? Have you run away from a man who proved to be a narcissist? Have you seen relationships where the woman was the narcissist?

This article appeared first on Senior Dating – Advice, Dating Sites, Love and Sex After 60