You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

#1 . . . Look for a Nice Guy versus a Bad Boy

Most women think they want a nice guy but what they really want is a nice guy who is a little like the Bad Boy.

That’s because Bad Boys can make your heart sing.

The thing is Bad Boys are all talk and few follow that talk up with action so that leaves you with a guy who isn’t really there for you.

A nice man is usually commitment oriented.

He wants a good woman to love, cherish and adore.

And he’s the man who will always follow his words up with an action that makes your life a little easier for you.

So many nice men are on the dating sites waiting for a good woman to give them a chance.

Will you?

#2 . . . Look for a man who wants to make it all about you

From the day I met my friend Ron, he always told me that the most important thing to look for in a man is that he wants to make it all about you.

What does this mean?

He really wants to make you happy and will do everything in his power to put that smile on your face.

The problem is, women often criticize men for not doing things the way they might do it.

When you do this to a man, you are literally cutting him off at the knees, making him feel like he can never do anything to please you and this is when men stop trying to make you happy.

Learn to receive from men even when it’s not quite the way you expected.

My friend Ron sometimes rolls his eyes when he thinks of all the times he’s made an effort and women haven’t appreciated him for doing it.

Be sure to always thank a man and appreciate him for trying to make you happy.

#3…Choose a man based on values versus activities you share.

Part of figuring out the right man for you comes from designing a Quality Man Template.

It’s something every one of my clients creates so they can identify who a good man is for them at this time in their life.

In the Quality Man Template, I ask my clients to list 50 qualities and 10-15 values they want in a man.

Qualities are things like bike riding or enjoying fine dining.

The issue with qualities is someone can wine and dine you, and yet treat you horribly.

And you don’t want that.

It’s why values are so important for you to identify.

Honesty, integrity, monogamy, and loyalty are examples of values.

Values are what hold a relationship together…they are the glue.

I can almost guarantee that values that are important to you were missing from past relationships and that’s why it didn’t work out.

Take the time to make a list of at least 10 values that a man must have to date you.

Then let these be your guide versus chemistry when you are looking for the right man to share your heart and life with.

I’d have MISSED my guy if I’d used this quality trying to decide if he’s the one

Lisa, if I hadn’t memorized your advice to wait a few dates and NOT look for an immediate spark, (he’s 5’9” to my 6′, bald, overweight- as am I), I would not have had the opportunity to be walked to my car, asked politely to be kissed (the man has seriously good skills), and the fun and excitement of making out like teenagers for a few dates.

Thanks to what I learned from you, I have found the love of my life. He calls me his Nordic Goddess. I feel so cherished and feel so lucky we found each other. Oh, and he’s been so there for me as I’ve gone through a rough knee replacement. He rose to the occasion, impressing me and my kids. They are now all team Mark! Just can’t thank you enough for all your support. Ginny, Massachusetts 

Would you love having a good man in your life like Ginny now has?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~

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Copyright© 2023 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

On November 23, 2022   /   Relationships after 50  

This post first appeared on Read More 

Von Lisa