Today, we see what a Tinder photographer has to say about taking top-notch Tinder pics.

We mentioned it many times before here at Zirby:

The quality of your profile is a direct reflection of the quantity and quality of your matches.

And more matches means…

More dates.

So here are our 7 best Tinder photographer tips.

For the purpose of this article, I interviewed David who’s a professional photographer and image consultant.

Let’s start this article with5 questions about the best Tinder photographer tips.

Tinder Photographer Interview

Q: What is the Difference Between a Good Photo and a Bad Photo?

A: A good photo is engaging and impressionable. It evokes a connection and emotion between the photograph and the person viewing the photo. I don’t think there are really bad photos. It all comes down to the brief and the purpose for which the photograph is taken and the ability of the photographer to bring imagination to life.

Q: Can a smartphone take good online dating photos?

A:  Absolutely. A good pic is never defined by what camera was used. A good smartphone can take an ideal online dating pic.

Q: Should you smile in your Tinder photos?

A: This is optional. However, you don’t want to come off as a stoic with a frown, the goal is to look charming and inviting.

Q: What photos are best for Tinder?

A: I’ll go for lifestyle photos or environmental portraits, a sneak peak into your lifestyle through a photograph. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words.

Q: What are the 7 best things anyone can do to improve their Tinder photos?

Keep it simple.

Keep it neat.

Smile a little or create a feeling of mystery while still being charming and inviting.

Whatever you do look confident and comfortable in your photos, preferably take a picture doing something you love like a hobby or something.

Your Tinder profile is the first impression of you, sell yourself well.

Include a group picture with your buddies in some fun activity, shows you have a life outside of being on your mobile phone.

Hire a good lifestyle photographer to take your pictures.

Let’s now dive deep, very deep into each one of those 7 best Tinder photographer tips.

1 – Keep It Simple

I really like this advice.

While I know it sounds obvious at first, there’s more to it.

The idea is that finding dates will be easier if your photos avoid any time wasting.

You don’t want distracting and useless details in your photos.

For example, can you spot the distracting detail in this photo?

Okay, the photo could be better.

But I want to bring your attention to the wine glass.

It’s random, it has no business here.

It’s not related to the guy or the background whatsoever.

It’s confusing, it’s distracting.

And if you want more right swipes, you want to keep it simple.

You want to get the right photos to communicate only the right things.

Take out the noise from your pictures.

It’s in my opinion one of the best Tinder photographer tips because it makes a huge difference.

Between someone who „gets it“ and someone who doesn’t.

2 – Keep It Neat

Another one of the best Tinder photographer tips.

Similar to how you want to keep your pictures simple:

Keep it neat and tidy.

A while ago I made an experiment to see what pictures get you more matches.

And pictures that had a neat and tidy background were way more successful.

Be it on Tinder or other dating apps.

Especially, when it comes to your first picture, it has to look clean.

Because before starting a Tinder conversation.

Before even sending the first message on Tinder.

You want to let girls guess, with no talk, that you’re a top guy.

And women react to that on dating apps.

Here’s an example of a photo that will do great on all dating sites:

You can be sure he can get a match on Tinder or all other dating sites.

Because it’s a neat pic that shows he has a cool life.

And oh, look.

He’s holding a cocktail in this pic as well.

But here, it makes sense because it’s justified by the context.

It’s your job to make sure everything about your pictures is top-notch to show your Tinder match that you’re a high-value person.

Because if you want to talk to your match and get girls on a date, you must show an important sign:

Put Effort in Your Tinder Profile

Show women your best, neatest self.

And by the way, it’s not only for Tinder, it works with other apps as well.

Simply put: You’re gonna get more right swipes if you put effort in your photos.

And you’re going to get more replies to your first message if you look what I call „premium“.

You want your Tinder matches to feel lucky to be talking with you.

Because you’re having a funny Tinder conversation on a dating app, sure.

But it’s with a real person.

You must give her a good impression so that she wants to move on.

From a fun Tinder conversation to real life.

True Story: I once met a girl who told me I looked so much better than my pictures. She just came out with me because she was bored. But changed her mind real quick because I presented so much better in real life than my sorry ass did on Tinder at the time.

Think about what your pics say about you as a person.

You can be hot, if you’re sloppy she will swipe left.

Just have a look at this picture:

Ripped guy, probably a terrible person.

At least that’s what women will think.

And they won’t swipe right.

If he had something neater, he’d have more chances to get a match and a date.

3 – Create a Feeling of Mystery

This one is huge.

We talked about it in detail in our Tinder profile guide:

Good looks help, but it’s the presentation that is the most important thing.

You have many ways to get a pic with this „mystery effect“:

Blurring the background

Looking away from the camera

Rocking a cheeky smirk

Doing something unusual

Having interesting props or accessories

The point is that your photos should make people curious.

There’s a fine line between having an engaging pic and a confusing pic on Tinder.

And you don’t want it to be confusing if you want to get a match.

For example, this is a confusing photo:

It’s confusing because it’s hard to understand what’s really going on.

Alright, it’s a guy on a boat…

Boats are cool.

But then what?

We don’t really know what’s going on.

Neither do we know why we should care about this photo.

It might be interesting, but there’s not enough to want us to know more.

On the other hand, here’s an example of an engaging photo:

The above is good because it’s dynamic.

It evokes emotions, actions, it’s exciting.

Pro Tip:Avoid posing on your photo, it immediately kills the vibe and make you look fake. Prefer candid and dynamic shots, they are way more exciting.

4 – Look Confident And Comfortable

Another huge piece of advice to get more matches on a dating app.

If your pictures show a funny and confident guy, it will make girls feel more comfortable.

There’s something magnetic about confidence.

When you meet people from a dating app, they must guess what they will get.

And if you don’t look like a confident and comfortable guy, girls will just assume you’re not.

Not only that.

They will also believe that when it’s time to meet in person you:

Are too much of a nice guy

You’re not a cool, high-value person

You’re going to be awkward on your date

She will have to do your job and lead the date

You won’t make anything „magical“ happen

There’s a real halo effect with dating apps.

If you look hot, funny and confident, women will assume that you are a top guy.

And that your first date will be amazing.

The Number 1 Thing That Makes Guys Look Uncomfortable

Alright, so there’s really one main mistake that I see guys make all the time.

Like, literally all the time.

(Unless they’ve been in the game for a while.)

Most guys are posing for the camera.

And I don’t know about you, but every time I try to pose for a pic, I look awkward.

There’s a very real reason why.

Posing for a pic is not natural.

You’re asking a person to stop all that they are doing.

To look at a small box with a flash.

And do one thing: pretend they are super happy and smile.

Even worse if it’s for group photos.

Because then it means you stopped a whole bunch of people to fake being happy.

Posed pics are great if you’re modeling and need to find work.

Or to look good in a family album.

Not on dating apps.

You always want to prefer candid, dynamic shots.

You want it taken „in the moment“ like this one below:

Yes it’s a selfie, but it’s also justified by the context (they’re hiking in the snow). 

And you can also see that they are happy and enjoying a great time. 

Instead of posing and trying to show that they are having a great time. 

5 – Sell Yourself Well

I love to compare online dating to marketing.

You’re a product.

Your profile is your marketing.

It’s up to you to be able to sell yourself well. 

Just think about it. 

When you want to buy a bottle of shampoo, do you go for the cheap one at the bottom of the shelf with the ugly label and no smell?

Or do you go for the one above that’s maybe a bit more expensive but is also all shiny and colorful and grows your hair back and makes you smell like the forest? 

Because essentially, both do the same: they wash your hair. 

Now translate this to online dating. 

As a woman, all guys do essentially the same:

They get you on dates and make sure you don’t stay lonely. 

But when women have to choose they will still go for guys who market themselves best. 

And that’s why:

This guy will get less matches than this guy:

One has a higher quality profile that evokes more good emotions than the other.

Sell yourself well and you will get more matches on Tinder.

6 – Include Group Shots

I mentioned earlier that a group pic is awkward when staged.

Well, the next best thing you can do is to take a group pic that wouldn’t be staged.

Especially, if you’re the center of attention.

If you do this well it’s going to show women watching your profile that:

People love being around you

You’re sociable and at least a bit popular

Hanging out with you is fun

And it will also reassure girls about one extremely important thing:

You’re not a creep.

Here’s an example of a good social shot from one of the members of our Facebook group.

Only good-looking, happy and successful people in this pic.

I can guarantee you that girls will want to talk to a guy like that.

And match with him, and go on a date with him.

Reassure Girls to Get Tinder Hookups

Actually, if you want to get a first date somewhere else than a public place…

For example, your place…

If you ever were interested in getting a hookup from Tinder

You need to have pictures that will reassure women.

That will show them you’re cute, hot, funny.

And also that you won’t murder her with a chainsaw as soon as you’re alone with her.

And social shots are amazing to get girls to swipe right.

And show them you’re basically a cool, normal person.

7 – Hire a Good Lifestyle Photographer

One of the main reasons why guys are having so much trouble with Tinder is this:

Women are thought to look good since they are basically 14.

They start taking selfies, buying push-up bras, and learning makeup in high school.

While we men were still playing soccer or a nice game of Counter Strike.

As a result, we don’t know how to present ourselves well.

Sure we can take a neat pic for our LinkedIn profile.

But that doesn’t cut it for dating apps and seducing women.

Heck, I never knew women love dogs that much before learning about proper Tinder photos.

Here’s what most men would consider a good photo:

I mean, he’s a guy, he’s clean and I can see him properly.


Well, not for women on dating apps.

There is so much more that goes into taking good photos than what is obvious at first.

My point is that we men need to proactively learn how to take good dating photos.

And I can do it because that’s my job, but most men don’t have time for that.

Most people aren’t lucky enough to read Zirby, so pat yourself on the back.

So here are 12 online dating photo tips that will help you out.

But don’t be shy:

You can hire a photographer, a coach or anyone else to get your game up to snuff in no time.

Most of the successful people you see everywhere have image advisors.

So instead of getting photos like this:

They get photos like that:

Yes both photos are of Ryan Reynolds.

But in the first one he didn’t care/know what to do.

And in the second one he put thoughts into it.

Taking Good Photos Is A Skill

In the end, taking great Tinder photos for your Tinder profile is a skill.

This article showed you the best Tinder photographer Tips.

To convert more of your potential matches, and then get more Tinder matches.

So that you can get more first dates from dating apps.

With better, professional photos.

Those best Tinder photographer tips will help you find dates.

Without showing red flags in your pictures on Tinder.

I have one last trick for you

I found a way to get up to 23% more matches with the same photos.

I have a video that explains to you how that works, click below, it’s totally free.

This article first appeared on Blog – Zirby 

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