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If you want to know how to start dating, you have come to one of the most extensive resources online.

Since I know that many singles looking to start dating want a lot of tips, I have gathered my best pieces of advice here.

Please note that I will assume you are of legal age to start dating in the jurisdiction you are in right now.

If not, please leave this article and blog at once since this is meant for people at least 18 years old.

I’ve got you covered, whether you want to start dating for the first time as an adult or haven’t been dating for a while and want to restart your dating- and love life again.

Here are the things I will share inside of this article:

When should I start dating if I have never dated before?Who should I date and why?Where you should start dating, some tips for first dates, and other things worth knowing.

If you want to know more about any of the topics I listed above, please continue to read this article, the entire piece is available below.

Please note that the links in this article go to other blog articles unless stated otherwise.

Welcome to the exciting world of dating, and let me be the first to congratulate you for making a life-changing decision.

I wish you a fun and safe experience, but I will also share some things you might encounter to inform you about the least pleasant things about dating.

My best advice to someone who has never dated anyone before is to stay as local as possible and limit your dating to your local area since international dating comes with other unique challenges.

You need to get some experience before you start dating people across the world.

Read this article if you want to know why I think dating in your city or local area will be the most beneficial for you. It isn’t very objective since I share my personal experience with it.

First, you need to decide who you should date. Are you attracted to men, women, or both?

There is no right or wrong answer here since dating is very personal, and you should date people you feel a genuine attraction to, no matter what others tell you they would do or think you should do.

It is entirely up to you and shouldn’t be a concern for somebody else.

Why Should I Start Dating?

I’ve already covered the who part, but why should you start dating first?

The reason is that you want to find somebody to have a mature, grownup relationship with, and yes, sex and intimacy should be a part of it when you feel ready for that part.

Remember never to force yourself or the other person to do things neither of you wants.

Even if both of you are adults, consent is of the essence, and if someone tries to force you into doing something you don’t want, try to come up with an excuse and leave ASAP.

That is one of the red flags of dating and is typical for narcissists.

Where to Start Dating

These days, most singles start their dating journey online or through an app on their phone.

The first step is to sign up, which is usually free, but you might have to pay for certain features, such as answering messages in your inbox.

There are, of course, free alternatives. Still, there are some issues you must be aware of if you are using them, which I cover in my article “The Problem with Free Dating Sites.

Even if it only discusses dating websites, the problem persists today and includes free dating apps.

If you can’t afford a subscription, please do it the old-fashioned way and date people you meet since this will be the safest option if you don’t have any money.

I don’t recommend free apps because criminals, cheaters, and dishonest people exist.

Indeed, you can meet them on paid subscription services too. Still, there are fewer of them, and the company behind the site or app has a keen interest in keeping you and everybody else safe.

Read my best dating sites (and apps) that I recommend here.

The company will have a keen interest in keeping you safe if you are a paying subscriber because you will end your subscription if you never get out on a date with another person or if you lose all your money and can’t pay for their services.

It is terrible for their business since you will also tell your friends and family about it, which means they will have a smaller clientele to serve.

Therefore, they will work with law enforcement if their service is used for fraudulent behavior to stop it.

Most of the time, you must report it to your local police, who will contact the company, tell them about what happened, and request the chat logs and other details to connect it with an actual person.

Here are some tips on how you can identify scammers.

First Impression Is Everything – Both Online and Offline

When you set up your profile, the most important thing is your image. Use a photo of yourself that is as neutral as possible, showing your face and maybe your neck.

If you’re a man, here are a couple of helpful tips to make a great impression online.

If you’re a woman, this article will share tips to make a stunning impression on dating apps and sites.

Please take the time to put some information about yourself and make your dating profile as complete as possible. Doing so might reduce the risk of being contacted by scammers and people who don’t want the same kind of relationship you want.

You will also increase your chances of finding people you want to date, who share the same interests you do, and who view life in similar ways.

Another important thing is to tell everybody you know you are now dating and what service you use.

The First Message Is Important

Once you find your match, it is important to send something. A “Hi” could work, followed by one of these proven conversation openers (for men).

The first message is crucial since it will set the tone of the entire conversation.

Keep things casual first, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. When you ask someone questions, you get to know that person better.

Everything should hopefully lead to a date where you meet the person face-to-face.

If you’re a woman, it might seem daunting and out of character to be the one who takes the initiative and send a stranger the first message; however, in texting, everything is allowed, and you don’t have to abide by old-fashioned rules.

Instead, I urge you to send him one of these proven text openers.

No article about how to start dating would be complete unless I discuss one of my favorite topics I have referenced countless times before the first date.

Chances are that you will go on more first dates with different people than any other date.

1. Two Articles You Must Read in Preparation for a First Date

A first date is a fun, exciting, and enjoyable part where you feel a tingling sensation in your body intermixed with excitement, curiosity, and a bit of worry.

It is perfectly normal to feel that way, as relationship expert Sherry Kimball says in her article First Date Checklist.

I recommend that you read this article before you go out on your first date, whether you are dating for the first time or are a seasoned date on a first date with a new love interest.

Another essential thing to do BEFORE a first date is to tell someone that you are out on a date, with whom you are dating, and where you are going.

If you want some tips on how to date safely, read my article before a date.

You will find many helpful safety tips there that will increase the likelihood of having a safe yet fun and exciting time in your life.

2. Where to Go on Your Next First Date

Coming up with places to go and visit on a first date, or even a second or third, might be challenging.

You want to create a unique experience that is still exciting, and the best way is to talk about it with your potential date first, and before a date, you should hint at least in what area the two of you will be dating and then forward that information to your friends.

Here are my ten favorite places for first dates that are fun and exciting.

3. Dress for The Occasion!

If you don’t know exactly where you are going, ask your date if you should wear formal clothing or if casual clothing will do.

Nothing is worse than going on a date feeling like you are overdressed or underdressed for the occasion.

Your date might not reveal everything, but tell the person that you want to look your best for them and that you won’t be able to guess where you’re going anyway.

If you want some tips, consider reading this article on what you should wear on first dates.

4. Put Your Best Foot Forward

Always try to behave your best, and don’t act like a brute.

These are two of the most important tips I can give anybody going out on a first date.

You might be surprised at how often I have noticed people who forgot to treat their date as an actual human being or situations taking a turn for the worse and becoming awkward.

If you want to put your best foot forward and increase the likelihood of a person going out on another date with you, there are certain things you must do.

One of them is to follow your society’s social codes and norms.

Another one is to follow the best etiquette tips for men and women; even if not all of them apply to you or your specific situation, there are still some excellent best practices.

Here’s where you can read about the first date etiquette for men.

Here are the best first date etiquette for women.

5. Have Fun and Get to Know Your Date a Bit Better

Even if you are a bit nervous, you should not forget the primary purpose of a first date: to get to know your date better and have fun.

One of the best ways to get to know your date is to ask questions.

When you ask someone questions, you will get to know that person, see whether you are a match, and then determine whether you should go out on another date.

If you want some tips, here are 45 questions to ask on a first date to get to know the other person.

6. Good Conversation Topics for Your First Date

Questions are great, but you must also vary the conversation with other topics.

To avoid awkward silence when you don’t know your date well, you must come up with good conversation topics to discuss.

It can be hard to know them, and you will have to improvise as you go.

However, a better way is to use my article “Conversation Topics for First Dates” for a reference and get several ideas about the things you should discuss on first dates.

Remember that these are only helpful suggestions and are not things you must discuss.

You can discuss whatever you want and whatever comes up naturally throughout the discussion; if you have a common interest or hobby, that can be a great thing to discuss on dates.

7. Say Goodbye to Your Date and Leave

When the date is over, my best advice is to ask for a second date, say goodbye, and go home.

We are all adults here, but that is a great way to end your date and let that other person know that you want to get to know that person better and that there is more to know about you.

Not sharing everything there is to know about you will increase the likelihood of getting a second date.

According to dating expert Aria Green, if you like the person you went out on a date with and want to increase your chances of getting a second date, you can do these ten things.

The process will start over if you don’t feel you’re a good match.

It’s not a failure if you have to start all over again; it’s a learning experience.

Whether you are growing into the idea of starting dating after a time away from the dating scene or starting to date for the first time, this article shares a little bit for both of you.

The reasons why you will start to date are personal, and they should be.

However, the process typically starts when you sign up for an app, site, or subscription service and fill out your profile.

Then, you start to look for people to date and remember there is no right or wrong here.

Your personal preferences will guide you on who you want to date and where you want to meet other singles.

I recommend starting in your city or local area since that offers fewer problems than international dating.

I’ve shared the importance of talking and keeping the conversation going before you ask a person out on a date, and I ended the article by sharing the following seven tips:

Prepare for your date and come up with a planSome recommendations on public places that are great to meet your date for the first timeDressing up for the occasionBe the best possible version of yourselfDon’t forget to have fun while you get to know each otherGood things that you can discuss to get to know your date betterLeave your date, go home, and prepare for a second one or start the process of getting out with a new person

Please remember that dating should be fun, exciting, a bit tingly, and a bit scary too.

If you decide you weren’t the excellent match you thought you were, it is not a failure but a learning experience. It is okay if you never want to see that person again.

I have shared some links throughout this article to give you more insights.

They will help you increase your chances of getting more and better dates with people who will be better matches for you.

Below, you will find a couple of the most-read articles that people enjoy who read this article.

If you have any tips or things you think are missing here, please leave a comment below, and I will be happy to add them or respond to you where you can find them.

Happy dating,

Coach Rickard

This article appeared first on Dating Tips For Men – Chi Rho Dating

Von Rickard