If you’re here, you’re probably physically separated from a very special someone.

Perhaps you’re in a long distance relationship.

Perhaps you’ve been dating for a while.

Maybe you’re on a break.

Whatever your situation, you’re about to get 70 I miss you text examples that’ll make her miss you too.

In this article:What you need to know before you send an ‚I miss you‘ text20 I miss you texts for someone who you’re dating exclusivelyAdvice that’ll improve any long-distance relationship20 I miss you texts for someone you’re in a relationship withHow to respond if she says I miss you first30 Texts for when you miss the person that loves you5 I miss you texts for someone you’ve known for a very long time1 Text how to tell your ex you miss herOther ways to show you miss herMore…

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

What you need to know before you send an ‚I miss you‘ text

An ‚I miss you‘ text is incredibly touching.

But it can also be very dangerous for your (growing) relationship.

After all, ‚I miss you‘ implies a deep emotional connection to someone.

And if that someone doesn’t feel the same level of connection, she could interpret that as you being clingy. Or even creepy.

Which can spell disaster for your relationship.

So before you send an ‚I miss you text‘ you MUST know if the person on the other end is likely to feel the same way.

That’s why I only recommend sending ‚I miss you‘ texts to:

Someone you’ve been dating exclusively.
Someone you’re in a relationship with (even if it’s on a break).
Someone who’s told you they love you.
Someone you’ve spent a lot of quality time with.

Here come the 70 texts.

20 I miss you texts for someone who you’re dating exclusively

I wish you were here.
I just had a dream about you.
I can smell your scent on my bed sheets and it’s cute.
Sending you a big fat hug.
There’s nothing I’d like to do more than snuggle with you right now.
I miss your laugh.
I can’t wait to hold you again.
I wish I could copy and paste you into my arms.
I wish you we were both wearing Pok?mon pajamas in bed right now.
I can’t stop listening to our songs.

Holy Tip:

If you have a specific song or playlist that you both loved to listen to, share that!

I can’t wait to see you again.
Beep boop. That’s robot for: miss you.
Seeing your photo makes me smile.
Eating by myself makes me realize how much I miss you.
Waking up sucks, so I thought you could use a little help.
Good morning, beautiful.
Good luck with your (insert thing she’s getting ready for) today.
Here’s a virtual hug to start your day.
Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me?.
Wish I was with you to kiss you good morning.
Even the food tastes less good without you.

Advice that’ll improve any long-distance relationship

It’s a fact:

We’re more likely to get into a long-distance relationship today, than any other time in history.

We’re traveling more, working abroad, and connecting with faraway people through dating apps and social media.

(Ever wondered how to meet girls through social media? Click this link to find out how you can successfully slide into a girl’s DMs.)

So we have lots more access to people who aren’t in our local area.


Suddenly you’re in a long-distance relationship.

So how do you make it work?

Well, without going too in-depth, you at the very least want to do this…

Keeping the emotional momentum going.

And the best way to do that is not a text message.

It’s a voice note.

It sets you apart. In a world of grey text messages, your voice brings color and leaps off the screen
You can say much more in the same time it takes you to type up a text
It shows your humanity. Text messages are nice, but they’re a far cry from your true self

While I don’t recommend you ALWAYS send voice notes.

That’s annoying.

I do recommend you send voice messages occasionally.

Like when you want to say you miss her.

Here’s a video where I explain exactly how best to use your voice:

20 I miss you texts for someone you’re in a relationship with

I miss you like a fat kid misses cake
The only time I ever think about you is always
Miss you, boo
Life’s much more sucky without you
I think my brain’s broken. It can’t stop thinking of you
I know you’ve only been away for a week, but it feels like forever
Whenever I miss you I open up your Insta and feel a little better. A slightly more private pic might make me feel even more happy though
Miss, I don’t wish to alarm you. But your absence bothers me quite a lot
Okay, it’s been too long. I’m going to collect the seven dragon balls to bring you back
I’m THIS close to calling the police and reporting you as missing
I miss you a little more each day
Being without you is like living life in black and white
I’m jealous of the people who get to see you every day
Did you feel that earthquake? That was my heart exploding from sadness
I miss you more than a chicken sandwich from Popeyes (Replace with your favorite take-away meal).

By the way, if you don’t know what to send in the morning, check out my next article:

100+ ‚good morning‘ texts!

I miss that you’re not around to laugh at my stupid jokes, because the cat (insert your pet) doesn’t get it

You are my happy place.
Is it time to come back yet? *cries in lonely*
I hate how the Department of Magical Transportation took away my Apparating license. Now I just have to wait for you to come back like a mudblood.
Really struggling to get by today without you.
I hope we’ll never be this far apart again.
I know we’re on a break, but I still think about you.

How to respond if she says I miss you first

Congrats! She told you she misses you first.

But how the heck do you reply?


You respond with the truth.

If you miss her too, tell in a way that best reflects your feelings.

Don’t you miss her back?

Tell her nicely that you don’t feel the same way.

Which is not easy to do, but it’s best for everyone in the long run.

5 Ways to reject a girl over text without breaking her heart

Good luck.

30 Texts for when you miss the person that loves you

You can obviously use the previous ‚I miss you‘-texts to send to the person you love too.

But if you want to get a little more lovey-dovey, go with these:

I’ve never missed anyone as much as I miss you
I was having such a good day today until I realized I couldn’t share it with you
Sitting in a full house with anything a man could want. But it still feels empty without you.
I always thought I couldn’t stand it. But when I lie in bed now I even miss feeling your cold feet.
I miss you. I just have so many things I want to share and do with you.
I miss you so much that I’ve started to spray your perfume on the bed sheets.
Showering on the weekends is so boring without you.
I miss how you smell when you get out of the bath.
Please come back soon, he’s not the same without you, sincerely his heart.

I thought I could handle you being away from me, but my heart seriously misses you
I miss you more than peanut butter misses jelly
Okay, you fooled me. When you left, you never said that I’d miss you this badly!
Hey, I think you left something important at home. ME!
You know you badly miss someone when all you need is something as simple as the sound of their voice. Call me.
I’ve always been ready to overcome the obstacles life throws in my way. But I never expected that one of the obstacles would be missing the woman I love.
You being away really makes me realize how much I miss you. Love you, babe.
My heart DGAF that I’m a man. It’s making me miss you so bad right now, babes.
The sound of your laugh, your smell, even our little fights, I want them all back. I miss you.
My arms need you in them right now.
It’s really hard not having you here. But it would be heartbreaking if I didn’t have you in my life. I’d choose you every time, baby.
I can’t believe all those love songs were true. The world really is more colorful when you’re with the person you love.
I’m around people all day. But I still feel lonely not have you with me. I miss you, boo.
When you’re with me, I’m perfectly fine just sitting together saying nothing. Now we’re apart, I keep having to fight the urge to call and talk to you.
The only thing that’s making this any easier is because I know you miss me just as badly as I miss you.
I’ve got tacos (her favorite food). You better come over here before it’s all in my belly.
All I first wanted was to date a sexy nurse (replace with her profession). Now I’m in love and missing you?.
I can’t stop thinking about all the fun things we’re going to do when we’re together again.
Being away from you made it painfully obvious just how much I love you.
Ugh, my heart. Being apart from your favorite person in the whole world sucks! Miss you, bibi.
There’s a huge hole in my heart shaped like you. Miss you!
I thought I was getting ill, but then I realized I’m sick of missing you.

5 I miss you texts for someone you’ve known for a very long time

You’re about to get some ‚I miss you‘ texts for a platonic friend.

As it is now, they’re directed to a male friend.

So if your friend happens to be a woman, just make a few minor adjustments.

Holy Tip:

Are you about to send an I miss you text to a girl that you’re secretly crushing on or in love with?


Saying you miss her will only get you pulled into the friendzone even further.

If you want to eventually date her, you want to do something else.


Find out in this free article of mine:

5 Easy steps to get out of the friendzone

I know we don’t see each other as much as we used to, but I just wanted to let you know that you’re still on my mind. Thanks for all the good memories, bud.
I know I never say it, but thanks for being a great friend.
I just realized that I’ve known you for over 20 years. Thanks for sticking by me for so long, dude!
I’ve had many friends come and go throughout my life. But you’ve always stayed by my side. Thanks man, seriously.
I know we don’t hang like we used to, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you can count on me.

1 Text how to tell your ex you miss her

When you break up with someone you love or have loved, you spend a lot of time agonizing over that person.

Agonize over that person enough and you may reach the conclusion you want that person back.

Which can be a good idea depending on the reason.

Do you feel lonely? Bad idea.

Do you have a great connection? Better idea, if… that person has the same standards in life as you. If that person has value systems totally different to your own, getting back together is a horrible idea.

What’s the best reason to want your ex back and say you miss her?

If you’re right for each other in every aspect, but the relationship fizzled due to a timing issue.

Is that the case?

Then you can rekindle your lost love.

Otherwise I strongly suggest moving on.

„I was just in the park where we always used to go to and the memory of you brought a smile to my face. Anyway, I’ve been doing pretty great lately and I hope you have been too. If you’re open for it, I’d love to hear about what you’ve been up to over a cup of coffee.“

What makes this text so good?

It’s positive without being desperate (instead of losing sleep over her, you only mention that your memory of her made you smile)
You’re doing great
You cut to the chase and show her you want to catch up

Now the ball is in her court.

Let’s hope she comes back to you with some good news.

Other ways to show you miss her

We just discussed 77 texts on how to tell you miss her.

But that’s not the only way to show her how you’re feeling.

Pick up a pen and write her a letter.

Send her some flowers.

And most simple and personal of all, arrange a video chat!

Anyway, bro. Before we finish up today’s article on ‚I miss you‘ text examples, two more gifts.

The 10 Texts That Always Work.

A collection of text messages for when you don’t know what to say and you want to be funny, flirty, or witty.

Aaaaaaaaand I have a Tinder opener for you that’s so good I should be charging you money.

So if you’re in an open relationship, be sure to grab it.


Louis Farfields

The post 77 I Miss You Text Examples (These Make Her Miss You Too!) appeared first on TextGod.

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