Tired of dull conversations, tedious interviews, and replies that take forever?

Let me change your life with some essential Tinder advice.

With the tips of this article, your matches will get hotter, your conversations more smooth, and your sexy levels will go through the roof.

In this article:1. Create the perfect first photo2. Stand out with your bio3. Ask open questions4. Make a cold read5. Get seen by hotter women6. Embrace your manhood7. Recognize her signs of interest8. Have material that always makes her smile9. Ask her out in a confident way10. Reclaim her interest when she’s stopped replying11. Build an irresistible profileMore…

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

1. Create the perfect first photo

Right now, you’re only a single simple step away from increasing your attractiveness on Tinder with at least 69%.

Creating an irresistible first photo.

What does it look like?

Mega simple.

Let me give you a few pointers:

Contrast: make yourself stand out from the background by applying high contrast.
Chill background: you want all the attention to go to your face.
No other people: just adds more of a distraction.
Composition: only show your head and torso.
No facial obstructions: take the (sun) glasses off.

These two profile pics check off all the aspects on the list and that’s why they look great

Not sure if you should away or into the camera? Research has shown that it’s roughly equally attractive.

Here are some quick tips for the rest of your Tinder profile:

Posing with dogs and other cute pets really works like magic.
Have a few photos that show her what you like to do.
High-quality photos and no selfies.
Upload no more than 4-5 photos. Don’t oversell yourself, bro.
Group photos can work if you’re the center of attention and it’s instantly clear where you are in the image.

This is why group photos only work when it’s evident who you are in the picture.

Check out my next article for the best Tinde profile picture tips:

11 Tinder Profile Picture Tips To Triple Your Matches TODAY

2. Stand out with your bio

If she’s not completely blown away by your looks, the right bio can make her swipe you right.

But the wrong bio can have her running for the hills.

Because if she’s not entirely convinced, her eyes will scan down to your bio, hoping it’ll persuade her to swipe right.

But if you’re like most guys, she’ll find…


Arggh, the horror!

„Student. Likes to travel“

„Food lover, sports and music“

„[Random inspirational quote]“

Both men and women have an irresistible tendency to tell boring facts about themselves.

But unfortunately, the only people whose hearts you’ll warm are your sweet mother’s and grandma’s.

YAWN. You’re better off without a bio than this.

My golden rule on Tinder: Stand out from the crowd.

The best bios I’ve used in my Tinder career were only one sentence long.

Keep in mind that the majority of Tinder users prefer the app over its competitors because of its ease of use. Reading a long bio will disturb the flow people are in when swiping.

A short bio is read in an instant.

Plusr, its briefness suggests an I’m not taking this Tinder thing too seriously-mentality.

Here’s how you can turn your bio into a magical fishnet, that only catches the ladies you’re interested in.

If you like ‚em confident: Most likely out of your league but hey… every shot you don’t take, is a shot you miss.
If you want someone kind and compassionate: Might cry if you hold me too long, but I’m totally worth it.
If you’re into foodies: The most erotic moment of my life was when the melted cheese of my first pizza slice clung to the rest of the pie as I put it in my mouth.

3. Ask open questions

This tip is for you if you struggle to convert your Tinder matches into datse.

Indispensable Tinder messaging advice incoming!

But first, remember: it’s not always your fault that the conversation is gliding as smoothly as a plane landing without its wheels out.

Maybe you just don’t have anything in common.

You can often steer your conversations towards fun by asking the right questions.

Hint, these aren’t it:

Where are you from?
What do you do for a living?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Those kinds of closed questions race you right down to the forgotten depths of her inbox.

Questions are by no means forbidden territory. But they’re often not what your conversation needs.

Open questions give you FAR better information. And are more fun to answer if you do it right.

Here are a few examples:

What’s been the highlight of your day so far?
Where do you hang out when you’re not in the gym trying your best to impress me?
What one mischievous thing would you definitely do when stuck in IKEA overnight?

Of course, use common sense. If she’s quickly disgusted by anything edgy or you make a way too random turn in a convo, a Tinder question like this might seem weird.

But in general, these things are way more fun than the earlier examples I gave you.

4. Make a cold read

The next tip is an extremely powerful tool for stimulating her emotions.

And that’s exactly what gets her hooked to your texts.

Tease her with a cold read.

It doesn’t have to be rational or true.

An incorrect but wild and funny guess is perfect. Like this:

You really seem like the kind of girl that’s all sweet and innocent during the week, but gets a little naughty in the weekend.

Now you’re doing three things.

Talking about her favorite subject. Adding value instead of askign for it. And click baiting the fugg out of her.

By simply informing her instead of asking, she’ll be mega curious why you think that about her.

Thanks to the playful nature of your texts, she’s way less likely to see you as Mr. Nice guy #38.

Holy Tip:

Try to keep those childish smileys to a minimum. Make sure your texts are clear enough to stand on their own.

5. Get seen by hotter women

Few things are clouded in more mystery than Area 51.

But Tinder’s ELO system is one of them.

The company keeps its lips tightly sealed about the details of the algorithm’s workings.

Despite this cruel secrecy, I can still share some great tips with you.

Tips that DEFINITELY affect your ELO score positively and get you seen by more beautiful women.

In case you don’t know, ELO is the rating that decides who gets to see your profile. The higher your score, the more desirable the people that get to see you.

Here are 5 ways to improve your ELO score:

Text your new match within 24 hours. Tinder doesn’t like it when you keep their precious users waiting for too long.
Text back when you can. Tinder rewards high activity.
Frequently update your profile. New photos, bios, and other profile updates give Tinder the impression that you’re putting in effort.
Pay attention to the time. Tinder wants everyone to have as much fun as possible, that’s why it’s smart to swipe during moments of peak activity. The algorithm wants people to get addicted to the app.
Swipe selectively. Tinder does not like users that are more desperate for a match than the Kardashians are for attention. Users with standards get rewarded with a better score.

When you’re swiping everything right.

6. Embrace your manhood

Just like you want to date a cutesy, giggly and kind girl, she wants to date a cool, confident man who has his shit together.

This doesn’t mean that you need to get your unga bunga on.

But it does help if you stop texting like you’re her 4-year-old cousin who’s just found out about GIFs.

Where do you start?

Well, check out these next two lines. Which one seems more masculine to you?

Hey, would you maybe by any chance somewhere in the future perhaps consider going out with me?


Hey, I know this great bar in town, let’s go grab some drinks there Thursday night.

Okay… I’ll admit the first example is slightly exaggerated.

But look closely at the words and phrases in that line.

Do you know what’s dripping off the conversation in the first example?


And uncertainty is what makes you lose your masculinity faster than girls can swipe guys left.

Besides removing wimpiness from your convos, get rid of emojis and bad spelling too.

7. Recognize her signs of interest

Here come 4 signs that her p?$$?y is getting hydrated by you:

She’s using lots of emojis.
She’s sending you photos and videos of her day. The more visible she’s in the photo, the better. It’s her way of reminding you of how cute she is. That’s why selfies are the ultimate indicator that she likes you.
She’s fast to reply and can’t contain herself. She either sends you lots of short texts, mega long ones, or anything in between.
She’s double texting. She’s basically talking to herself. Check the timestamps in the next screenshot.

The last two texts are the definition of double texting

The girl in the screenshot above is practically screaming „P L E A S E, give me another hit of your oh so sweet attention. GIVE IT TO ME, I NEED IT!“

So how do you know if she’s into you?

When she’s investing time, energy and effort.

8. Have material that always makes her smile

Here’s what you do when you find yourself staring at your screen thinking „wtf should I say NOW!?“

Be prepared!

I always used to have a cheat sheet with clever line .

Because one of my holy traits as TextGod is being infinitely generous, I’ll hand you one of the 10 texts that always work.

This line helps you a whole bunch when you’re not sure what to say, and you have a bit of a playful-narcissistic vibe about you.

It works best with witty girls who like a bit of weirdness.

Congratulations! You have successfully obtained the numerical combination that allows you to transmit written and/or spoken communication to my mobile device which, upon exercising this power, will expose you to the full extent of my beautiful personality.

Nobody likes an arrogant person. When you just say „I’m super cool“, you’ll sound like an idiot.

But when you say this in an exaggerated manner, with less commonly used words, it displays your wittiness.

Also, feel free to change these messages so they better fit your personality.

The more texts are tailored to you, the better.

Of course, having a cheat sheet with one text isn’t going to help you much.

That’s why I have 9 more epic texts in store for you that would make great additions to your list!

You can download them free by clicking these shiny words right here.

9. Ask her out in a confident way

Without this tip, all the previous Tinder advice is USELESS. After all, you need to meet up with her to stick your sling-schlong in her flim-flam.

So time to give you all the essential information about asking her out.

Ask her out on an emotional high.

If she’s having a great time, then it’s only logical that she’ll want to see you, right?

That’s why it’s at THAT very moment that you want to strike.

Here are some of the signs that she’s ready to meet you:

She’s laughing about your jokes and playfully returns your teasing.
She’s showing substantial interest in you and your daily/weekly activities.
She’s responding to your texts quickly.

If the vibe’s right, it’s time to pop the question.

Keep the next three points in mind and she’ll almost ALWAYS say yes.

See yourself as the prize. You’re cool as hell, right? Then don’t ask her out like a wimp.
Mention the time and place. Women like the safety of clarity.
Make it light. You’re not going down on a knee. You’re just inviting her out for drinks, relax. Also, it’s generally easier for her to say yes if you don’t use the word ‚date‘.

10. Reclaim her interest when she’s stopped replying

I have some very simple methods for you to revive your dead conversation. And here’s the most important one:

Don’t send her another text that’s the same flavor as the one you sent before.

She might have ignored it for a reason. Or perhaps she’s just busy and forgot to reply.

Also possible.

If your conversation took a natural pause, open with something positive.

Here I sent a photo of a fun meme. (Notice how I wished her good night and there wasn’t really much for her to say.)

Reviving a dead conversation done wrong, and then done right.

Another trick that has proven its success time in time again is this one:

Both examples keep the light-hearted fun spirit up and she’s way more likely to respond again.

Now I have a little extra for you…

11. Build an irresistible profile

My compliments to you, dear reader.

You made it to the last tip of the article and I want to reward you for your dedication.

I have a gift for you.

A gift that’ll make you get even further ahead of other men on Tinder.

The Tinder Profile Checklist.

The Dating Profile Checklist has more than 30 questions to discover the strengths and weaknesses of your profile.

Including simple tips to instantly increase your matches.

+A bonus Profile Breakdown video from a TextGod follower.

So click the link and check it out right here!

Louis Farfields

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