You recently opened Tinder and the dating service stunned you.

The match you were chatting with is gone.

What happened?

Did your Tinder match disappear? I’m going to give you the most common explanations for what happened. PLUS, how to fix it… if possible.

In this article:Why did your Tinder match disappear?1. Tinder is bugging out2. You got unmatched3. Your match’s account got banned4. You entered something into your search bar5.  Your Tinder match deleted her account6. Your Tinder match might be a botCan you get your lost Tinder match back?Best solution after you lose your Tinder matchWhy your Tinder match disappeared – ConclusionMore…

Why did your Tinder match disappear?

Overall, there are 6 reasons why Tinder matches disappear. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Are all your matches gone? Then it’s almost certainly caused by a software bug or a server issue.

Did you lose less than a handful of your Tinder matches? Then one of the next answers will explain their disappearance:

You got unmatched.
Your Tinder match’s account got banned.
You accidentally entered something into your search bar.
Your Tinder match deleted their account.
Your match was a bot.

Read the rest of the article for more details and how to fix it.

1. Tinder is bugging out

A common reason why your Tinder matches disappear is thanks to…


When your entire collection of Tinder matches has vanished, it’s almost always caused by a bug, such as the dreaded Tinder Error 5000. Or a bad software update.

9/10 times it’s a technical glitch that you can fix with a simple reboot.

Close down and open Tinder back up again and tadaaaa.

Your Tinder match could be right where you left them.

Did thet not show up? Perhaps they moved to a different position in your match list (another Tinder bug).

If your list extends beyond your screen, try scrolling down and look for their last text. They may have been pushed all the way to the bottom.

If rebooting or searching your match list didn’t do the trick, her disappearance has another reason.

Important: Just letting you know I am currently letting guys use my Profile Checklist for free. It’s a simple fill-in-the-blanks code that shows you what to change about your profile. It’s the first step to getting all the matches you want. Get it here for free.

2. You got unmatched

Sometimes the truth is staring us right in the face and is pretty brutal.

You got unmatched.

Generally, people will unmatch you for:

Inappropriate behavior. Anything that they perceived as rude, offensive, overly sexual, or inappropriate.
An excess of good matches. A lot of people will choose to unmatch if they have enough other matches they feel strong chemistry with.
An accidental swipe. Sometimes someone will swipe left instead of right and is simply correcting their mistake.
A change of circumstances. Perhaps they’re not ready to date after all, or they’ve met someone else.
A lack of compatibility. You just didn’t click.

Do you often catch yourself struggling to have playful conversations where your Tinder match is showing lots of interest? Check out my next article for advice to keep them interested:

10 Fun ways to respond to dry texts and make them like you

3. Your match’s account got banned

Goofy behavior isn’t against the rules, but a heap of other actions can get you…


If she uploaded lewd photos, made jokes that rubbed people the wrong way, or did anything Tinder’s team didn’t like, she probably got dunked on by Tinder’s banhammer.

Whatever the reason, once a Tinder match gets banned you can’t see them anymore.

Although her account technically still exists, Tinder has essentially given her an invisibility cloak. Great if you’re playing Dungeons and Dragons. Not so much if you’re on a dating app.

The worst thing about her banishment from Tinder?

You can’t tell!

Tinder doesn’t give you a message, so you can only wonder about what happened.

4. You entered something into your search bar

If you’re lazy like me, you don’t want to scroll through your list of Tinder matches. Instead, you use the search function to find her.

So you hold your finger against the match screen until a search bar shows up and type in the (beginning) of her name.

Let’s say, ‘Carla’.

Tinder then limits your match screen to all the conversations that include the name Carla. Making it easy to find her in your Tinder match junkheap.

But there’s a drawback to the search bar!

If you don’t clear out your search bar, you won’t see the majority of your Tinder matches!

5.  Your Tinder match deleted her account

If they delete their Tinder account, your match will disappear and you won’t even know.

If they decide to pull the plug on her profile, you lose the entire conversation. It’s like they never existed.

Bumble at least has the decency to change their username to ‘Deleted Profile’ and lets you read the entire conversation. Which at least gives you some clarity.

6. Your Tinder match might be a bot

Despite Tinder’s best efforts, bots are still successfully hiding amongst crowd. The robots will swipe right on you and even chat with you if it turns into a match.

Only blurring so our future robot overlords won’t disintegrate me like the other meatbags.

Any time you like someone who isn’t verified, you run the risk of matching with a bot. So stay alert.

Can you get your lost Tinder match back?

When you lose a Tinder match and it’s not due to a bug, they’re gone forever.

In these cases, it’s best to accept your loss and invest in another match.

Don’t have too many matches? Be sure to make your Tinder profile as strong as possible. Check out my next article for my best tips:

10 Tinder profile tips for more and better matches

The best way to get your Tinder match back

Of all the options to get back your match, the next way is the best. That said, it’s a nuclear option.

Start a new account. As long as they’re still active on Tinder, they’ll be in your Discovery pile again.

That said, if you create a profile that has a similar vibe as your old, there’s a big chance she’ll just swipe you left. And you still won’t get her back as a match.

Best solution after you lose your Tinder match

If you’re upset about the disappearance of your match, you’re acting from a place of scarcity.

When you fall in love with some pixels on your smartphone.

Do you agree that if you had 5+ matches a day you wouldn’t care about that one Tinder girl who vanished?

If you said ‘Hell yeah!’, I’ll give you my best tip for building an attractive Tinder profile.

Give her a taste of who you are.

A hugely overlooked Tinder insight is the purpose of your photos.

Yes, you want to be clearly visible. Yes, you want to look attractive. But is that all it needs to do?


You also want to give her a good idea of what it’ll be like to be part of your life. After all, that’s what you’ll be doing if the conversation goes well.

So once you have two good photos that show off your face, focus on telling stories. And give her a peek into your life.

Don’t know how?

Write down a list of your hobbies and interests. Then brainstorm on how you can show off your hobbies in a well-placed photo.

Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Tinder

Why your Tinder match disappeared – Conclusion

Unless you were guilty of inappropriate behavior, most reasons why your Tinder match vanishes are out of your control. So it’s best to accept the occasional loss of a match.

Rather than being sad you lost a fun match, it’s best to focus on building a good profile that attracts lots of fun matches.

Download my Profile Checklist (for FREE) to fix the holes in your profile. If you click the button below, you’ll get a video of me where I give you:

14 Pointers to optimize your first photo
9 Pointers for your bio, and
An analysis of a newsletter subscriber’s profile

Enjoy, bro.

Louis Farfields

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